A 60-Year-Old Man Presents With Plantar Hyperkeratosis & Erythema


A 60-year-old man presents with localized tender plaques of hyperkeratosis and a surrounding erythematous halo on the weight-bearing plantar aspect of his feet after beginning cancer treatment. Which medication is responsible for this cutaneous presentation and what is the name of this reaction?

A 60-year-old man presents with localized tender plaques of hyperkeratosis and a surrounding erythematous halo on the weight-bearing plantar aspect of his feet after beginning cancer treatment.

What is your diagnosis?

A. Capecitabine, hand-foot skin reaction
B. Capecitabine, hand-foot syndrome
C. Regorafenib, hand-foot syndrome
D. Regorafenib, hand-foot skin reaction
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