Oncology News International would like to correct two errors that appeared in Dr. Peter Kennedy's article on space sharing (May 1996, page 12), as part of the Oncology & Managed Care series edited by Dr. Cary Presant.
Oncology News International would like to correct two errors thatappeared in Dr. Peter Kennedy's article on space sharing (May1996, page 12), as part of the Oncology & Managed Care seriesedited by Dr. Cary Presant.
Dr. Kennedy is president and founder of Metropolitan OncologyMedical Group, Inc., Los Angeles. Dr. Armand Bouzaglou, a radiotherapistwho shares space with Dr. Kennedy's group, does not have an exclusivecontract with Dr. Kennedy to provide radiation therapy servicesfor his patients. The editors apologize for these errors.
Highlighting Insights From the Marginal Zone Lymphoma Workshop
Clinicians outline the significance of the MZL Workshop, where a gathering of international experts in the field discussed updates in the disease state.