Commentary on Abstract #2003

OncologyONCOLOGY Vol 13 No 3
Volume 13
Issue 3

The role of interferon-alfa (Intron A, Roferon) in the management of patients with low-grade NHL remains controversial. More than 10 randomized trials have been reported.

The role of interferon-alfa (Intron A, Roferon) in the management of patients with low-grade NHL remains controversial. More than 10 randomized trials have been reported.

A recent meta-analysis concluded that interferon appeared to afford a benefit with regard to progression-free and overall survival, but only when it was used in combination with aggressive chemotherapy (Rohatiner et al: Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol 17:4a[abstract 11], 1998). However, this meta-analysis did not include a large negative Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG) trial (Dana et al: Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol 17:3a[abstract 10], 1998).

One of the most notable interferon trials, conducted by the GELA group (Solal-Céligny et al: J Clin Oncol 16:2332-2338, 1998), led to the FDA approval of interferon in combination with an anthracycline regimen for indolent NHL. Coiffier and coworkers conducted a subsequent trial based on these data, which was presented at the ASH meeting (abstract #2003). Elderly patients with low-grade NHL were randomized to CHVP (cyclophosphamide, doxurubicin, VP-26, and prednisone) plus interferon or fludarabine. The response rate, time to progression, and survival favored the multiagent arm. However, as noted above, there are now fludarabine-based combinations that appear to be more effective than the single agent, and one of these would be a reasonable arm for a similar comparative trial. Moreover, recent enthusiasm for new monoclonal antibodies will likely replace interest in the interferon-based regimens.

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Rituximab: Phase II Retreatment Study in Patients With Low-Grade or Follicular Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Response Criteria for NHL: Importance of “Normal” Lymph Node Size and Correlations With Response
Chemotherapy Plus Radiation Improves Survival in Patients With Cervical Cancer
A Randomized Trial of Fludarabine, Mitoxantrone (FM) Versus Doxorubicin, Cyclophosphamide, Vindesine, Prednisone (CHEP) as First Line Treatment in Patients With Advanced Low-Grade Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma: A Multicenter Study by GOELAMS Group
Navelbine Increased Elderly Lung Cancer Patients’ Survival
Fludarabine Versus Conventional CVP Chemotherapy in Newly C Diagnosed Patients With Stages III and IV Low-Grade Malignant Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: Preliminary Results From a Prospective, Randomized Phase III Clinical Trial in 381 Patients
Multicenter, Phase III Study of Iodine-131 Tositumomab (Anti-B1 Antibody) for Chemotherapy-Refractory Low-Grade or Transformed Low-Grade Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
T-Cell–Depleted Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant From HLA-Matched Sibling Donors for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Consensus Statement on Prevention and Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer
In Vivo Purging and Adjuvant Immunotherapy With Rituximab During PBSC Transplant For NHL
Fludarabine and Cyclophosphamide: A Highly Active and Well-Tolerated Regimen for Patients With Previously Untreated Indolent Lymphomas
Campath-1H Monoclonal Antibody in Therapy for Advanced Low-Grade Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas: A Phase II Study
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Rituximab Therapy in Previously Treated Waldenström’s Macroglobulinemia: Preliminary Evidence of Activity
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