January 31st 2025
Incorporating frailty evaluation into practice may alter clinical decision-making for preoperative planning and patient counseling for gynecologic surgery.
October 24th 2024
Fighting Disparities and Saving Lives: An Exploration of Challenges and Solutions in Cancer Care
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Navigating Low-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer – Enhancing Diagnosis, Sequencing Therapy, and Contextualizing Novel Advances
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Burst CME™: Implementing Appropriate Recognition and Diagnosis of Low-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer
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Burst CME™: Stratifying Therapy Sequencing for LGSOC and Evaluating the Unmet Needs of the Standard of Care
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Burst CME™: Understanding Novel Advances in LGSOC—A Focus on New Mechanisms of Action and Clinical Trials
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Epithelioid Sarcoma: Applying Clinical Updates to Real Patient Cases
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Collaborating Across the Continuum®: Identifying and Treating Epithelioid Sarcoma
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Mastering Epithelioid Sarcoma: Enhancing Diagnostic Precision and Tailoring Treatment Strategies
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Clinical Showcase™: Selecting the Best Next Steps for a Patient with Epithelioid Sarcoma
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ASCO Releases Resource-Stratified Invasive Cervical Cancer Guidelines
May 25th 2016ASCO has released a clinical practice guideline on invasive cervical cancer. For the first time, ASCO created the guideline based on resource availability, tailoring recommendations to support basic- or limited-resource settings.
Ovarian Cancer Risk May Increase in Women With Irregular Menses
May 4th 2016In 2016, it is estimated that there will be 22,280 newly diagnosed cases of ovarian cancer in the United States. Astonishing as it may seem, the lifetime risk for a woman developing ovarian cancer is 1 in 75, with a risk of death related to the disease being 1 in 100 (excluding low malignant potential tumors).
Minimizing Lymph Node Dissection in Endometrial Cancer Patients
March 25th 2016The combination of sentinel lymph node mapping and use of uterine intraoperative restrictive frozen section in patients with low-grade endometrial cancer can reduce the rate of complete lymphadenectomy without reducing the detection of lymphatic metastasis.
PTEN Mutation Status Potential Biomarker for Endometrial Cancer Therapies
March 25th 2016Loss of function of the PTEN tumor suppressor gene leads to resistance to therapies targeting the Notch signaling pathway according to a mouse study presented at the 2016 Society of Gynecologic Oncology annual meeting, held in San Diego, March 19-22, 2016.
Weekly Paclitaxel Did Not Prolong PFS in Ovarian Cancer
February 24th 2016Assignment to a dose-dense regimen of paclitaxel given weekly did not prolong progression-free survival compared with paclitaxel given every 3 weeks in a group of patients with ovarian cancer treated with or without bevacizumab.
Morphologic, Immunophenotypic, and Molecular Features of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer
February 16th 2016This review focuses on the clinicopathologic and molecular features of epithelial ovarian cancer, with specific attention to genetic predisposition, morphologic challenges, immunohistochemistry, and molecular features.
Ovarian Carcinoma Histotypes: Their Emergence as Important Prognostic and Predictive Markers
February 15th 2016The movement of ovarian carcinoma histotypes from ill-defined and poorly reproducible clusters of cases to distinct disease entities clearly has beneficial implications for patient management.
Uptick in HPV Vaccinations Highest in Hispanic, High Poverty Communities
January 15th 2016Adolescent girls who live in predominantly Hispanic and high poverty communities are more likely to have had at least one HPV vaccine dose compared to girls in low poverty communities and those with different ethnic make up.
Challenges and Opportunities for Immunotherapies in Gynecologic Cancers
January 15th 2016The advent of immunotherapy presents us with new treatment approaches in gynecologic cancers, with preliminarily promising outcomes. Multiple clinical trials are currently being conducted to better define the role of immunotherapy. Further investigation is warranted to develop and identify predictive biomarkers.
ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Adjuvant Therapy in Vulvar Cancer
The panel reviewed the pertinent literature in vulvar cancer and voted on three variants to establish appropriate use of imaging, adjuvant radiation, including dose, fields, and technique, as well as adjuvant chemotherapy. This report will aid clinicians in selecting appropriate patients for adjuvant treatment and will provide guidelines for the optimal delivery of adjuvant radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
Study Shows BRCA Mutation Screening Needed Despite Family History
October 13th 2015A new study at a single center in Japan found no significant differences in the rate of BRCA mutations between ovarian cancer patients with or without family histories of the mutations and recommends that BRCA1/2 testing be required for all ovarian cancer patients